Friday, May 27, 2011

Am I going to be a 'one-trip wonder'?

   Alex has given me permission to speak for him, though I have already spoken for him many times without his permission. He and my best friend Scott have agreed on a list of 20 things that a person should do or be prepared for to make traveling with me a more bearable experience:
  1. Bring sleeping pills to drug me.
  2. Wear headphones to drown out my constant talking at the pool.
  3. Be prepared to meet everyone around you.
  4. Set the clock a few hours earlier each night so I'll stay in bed later in the morning.
  5. Bring a spare laptop for me even if I say I prefers pen and paper.
  6. Be prepared to instruct me on how to use the laptop each time I use it for the same task.
  7. Add minutes to the international calling plan on your phone.
  8. Travel to hot climates where I can take my shirt off.
  9. Take pictures of me when I do take off my shirt.
  10. Help me trim my chest hair when I ask.
  11. Bring my reading glasses in your pocket so you don't have to read every menu for me.
  12. Don't expect any help in locating anything on a map or a street.
  13. Expect to apologize to waiters for the mess on my side of the table.
  14. Order more than you want so I won't eat all your food.
  15. Don't be surprised to find food crumbs in very strange places in the hotel room and on my body.
  16. Don't be surprised to find me exercising in very strange places.
  17. When booking the seats on the airplane, put me in a different row from the one you're in and then blame the airline when I ask.
  18. Expect to spend a chunk of your sight-seeing time trying to find a bathroom for me.
  19. Expect me to be blogging constantly.
  20. Accept the fact that for some crazy reason people still fall in love with me.
          And for those friends who doubt Alex would ever treat me to another vacation after having to share the same hotel rooms and bathrooms for 2 weeks along with sitting across the table from me for every meal, let me be the he first to tell you that he is already planning the next trip. This one is going to be to Australia and New Zealand ---
             he's flying himself to Australia and me to New Zealand.


  1. Gary, yes, it's me again. I just want to say, thank you so much for the laughs. Sounds like your trip was/is? great! Love the visuals, or maybe not...
    Anyway, much love to you! Heather

  2. hey heather- I love communicating with you this way . Alex and I got back yesterday. I'll give you a call soon. As you know from work and motherhood, visuals are not always pretty. Love you-Gary

  3. Alex is such a great guy, which you already know. I wish you all the best. I love it that you've met him.

  4. I am laughing so much! I love you and am so happy for you and Alex. Greece will never be the same. I want to go with you some day.

  5. I want to travel with you! I just won't eat, sleep, sit next to you, listen to you talk, or shave your chest hair :-)

  6. Thanks Fred- We all know how great your guy is too ( right, Tom?) Surviving our first trip is a good sign. Love you-Gary

  7. Hey Yvette- I've always said you're the only other one I would ever want to go to Greece with, you goddess. Maybe one day we'll all get there. Love you-Gary

  8. Hey Tom- welcome aboard! It's sounds like our trip would be so engaging. "Table for one, please." Love you-Gary
