Friday, June 3, 2011


     Europe, don't destroy cucumbers just because of E.coli. Send them our way. San Francisco is always in need of cucumbers. People here have ways of using them and other similarly-shaped vegetables that Europeans haven't, or don't want to, think about. (Well, maybe the Germans have.)
   God did not intend raw vegetables to be put only in salad bowls.They are meant to be put other places as well, especially in times of a health crisis like this.  A cucumber is more than food, it can be turned into a date, and bring you hours of entertainment.  The preparation is nothing fancy. It's as easy as asking your grocer what isle the Crisco is kept, after you choose the properly-sized cucumber depending on your needs and talents.
    Don't forsake the cucumber now. It has been one of the friendliest and most engaging vegetables. And it has pleased some of us in ways that spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli never have.